Similar Words
ddisabledd, diisabled, disaabled, disabbled, disable, disableed, disablled, dissabled, dizabled, isabled
Disabled — synonyms, disabled antonyms, definition
1. disabled (a)
22 synonyms
broken down convalescent defective deformed dependent destroyed exhausted handicapped helpless impaired impotent infirm invalid lame mangled mutilated powerless sick sickly stifled • • •
2. disabled (Adjective)
2 synonyms
hors de combat out of action
2 definitions
disabled (Adjective) — Incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness.
disabled (Adjective) — So badly injured as to be excused from continuing.
ex. "A person is disabled if he is in the power of an adverse attacker"
3. disabled (Noun)
1 definition
disabled (Noun) — People collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped.
ex. "technology to help the elderly and the disabled"
1 type of
1 type
the halt
4. disabled (Verb)
3 synonyms
disenabled incapacitated invalided
1 antonym
2 definitions
disabled (Verb) — Make unable to perform a certain action.
ex. "disable this command on your computer"
disabled (Verb) — Injure permanently.
ex. "He was disabled in a car accident"
5 types of
altered changed injured modified wounded
7 types
confined held hocked laid up nobbled pinioned restrained