Similar Words
sstifled, stiffled, stifle, stifledd, stifleed, stiflled, stiifled, stiphled, sttifled, tifled, tsifled, ztifled

Stifled — synonyms, stifled antonyms, definition

1. stifled (a)

7 synonyms
broken down destroyed disabled exhausted lame mangled mutilated

2. stifled (Adjective)

3 synonyms
smothered strangled suppressed
1 definition

stifled (Adjective) — Held in check with difficulty. ex. "a stifled yawn"

3. stifled (Verb)

6 synonyms
asphyxiated choked dampened muffled repressed suffocated
1 antonym
4 definitions

stifled (Verb) — Conceal or hide. ex. "stifle a yawn"

stifled (Verb) — Smother or suppress. ex. "Stifle your curiosity"

stifled (Verb) — Impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of. ex. "The foul air was slowly stifling the children"

stifled (Verb) — Be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen. ex. "The child stifled under the pillow"

32 types of
blocked bought the farm cashed in one's chips choked closed up conked conquered croaked curbed deceased died dropped dead exited expired give-uped the ghost impeded inhibited jammed kicked the bucket obstructed • • •
3 types
choked strangled suffocated