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Wildcat — synonyms, definition

1. wildcat (Adjective)

2 synonyms
unauthorised unauthorized
3 definitions

wildcat (Adjective) — Outside the bounds of legitimate or ethical business practices. ex. "wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks" ex. "wildcat stock speculation" ex. "a wildcat airline" ex. "wildcat life insurance schemes"

wildcat (Adjective) — Without official authorization. ex. "wildcat work stoppage"

wildcat (Adjective) — (of a mine or oil well) drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive. ex. "drilling there would be strictly a wildcat operation" ex. "a wildcat mine" ex. "wildcat drilling" ex. "wildcat wells"

2. wildcat (Noun)

5 synonyms
beast brute savage wildcat well wolf
3 definitions

wildcat (Noun) — An exploratory oil well drilled in land not known to be an oil field.

wildcat (Noun) — A cruelly rapacious person.

wildcat (Noun) — Any small or medium-sized cat resembling the domestic cat and living in the wild.

9 types of
aggressor assailant assailer assaulter attacker cat oil well oiler true cat
37 types
European wildcat Felis bengalensis Felis chaus Felis concolor Felis manul Felis ocreata Felis pardalis Felis serval Felis silvestris Felis tigrina Felis wiedi Felis yagouaroundi Pallas's cat caffer cat catamount catamountain cougar eyra jaguarondi jaguarundi • • •
2 parts of
Felis genus Felis

3. wildcat (Verb)

1 definition

wildcat (Verb) — Prospect for oil in an area where no oil has been found before.