Catamountain — synonyms, definition

1. catamountain (Noun) N. Amer

10 synonyms
European wildcat Felis concolor Felis silvestris catamount cougar lynx mountain lion painter panther puma
3 definitions

catamountain (Noun) — Bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat.

catamountain (Noun) — Large American feline resembling a lion.

catamountain (Noun) — Short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears; valued for their fur.

1 type of
12 types
Canada lynx Lynx canadensis Lynx caracal Lynx lynx Lynx pardina Lynx rufus bay lynx bobcat caracal common lynx desert lynx spotted lynx
3 parts of
Felis genus Felis genus Lynx