Similar Words
nprejudiced, nuprejudiced, umprejudiced, unnprejudiced, unpprejudiced, unpreejudiceed, unprejjudiced, unprejuddicedd, unprejudicced, unprejudice, unprejudiiced, unprejudiked, unprrejudiced, uunprejuudiced

Unprejudiced — synonyms, unprejudiced antonyms, definition

1. unprejudiced (a)

19 synonyms
advanced broad-minded candid detached dispassionate equitable fair generous honest honourable impartial impersonal just liberal magnanimous objective tolerant unbiased upright

2. unprejudiced (Adjective)

1 antonym
1 definition

unprejudiced (Adjective) — Free from undue bias or preconceived opinions. ex. "an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons"