Similar Words
ddetachedd, deetacheed, detaached, detacched, detache, detachhed, detahced, detakhed, dettached, etached

Detached — synonyms, detached antonyms, definition

1. detached (a)

80 synonyms
abstracted alone aloof apart apathetic arrogant callous charming cold composed cool debonair disconnected disengaged disinterested dispassionate distant distinct divided equitable • • •

2. detached (Adjective)

6 synonyms
degage free out on a limb set-apart unaffectionate uncaring
1 antonym
6 definitions

detached (Adjective) — Showing lack of emotional involvement. ex. "she may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she's not hypocritically effusive"

detached (Adjective) — Being or feeling set or kept apart from others. ex. "she felt detached from the group"

detached (Adjective) — No longer connected or joined. ex. "a detached part" ex. "on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached"

detached (Adjective) — (architecture) used of buildings; standing apart from others. ex. "detached houses" ex. "a detached garage"

detached (Adjective) — Lacking affection or warm feeling.

detached (Adjective) — Not fixed in position. ex. "the detached shutter fell on him"

3. detached (Verb)

2 synonyms
came away came off
1 antonym
3 definitions

detached (Verb) — Cause to become detached or separated; take off. ex. "detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it"

detached (Verb) — (military) separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment. ex. "detach a regiment"

detached (Verb) — Come to be detached. ex. "His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery"

4 types of
disconnected divided parted separated
11 types
blew off broke broke off chopped off cut off fell off lopped off snapped off unbound unhooked unsoldered