Similar Words
ddisagreeable, diisagreeable, disaagreeaable, disaggreeable, disagreable, disagreaeble, disagreeabble, disagreeabl, disagreeablle, disagreeeeablee, disagrreeable, dissagreeable, dizagreeable, isagreeable
Disagreeable — synonyms, disagreeable antonyms, definition
1. disagreeable (a)
72 synonyms
abominable annoying antagonistic antithetic averse bad bad-tempered base bitter bothersome cantankerous contemptible contrary crabby cranky critical cross despicable difficult dirty • • •
2. disagreeable (Verb)
7 synonyms
cantankerous crabby cross ill-natured ill-tempered irritable testy
3. disagreeable (Adjective)
1 synonym
1 antonym
3 definitions
disagreeable (Adjective) — Not to your liking.
ex. "a disagreeable situation"
disagreeable (Adjective) — Unpleasant to interact with.
ex. "a disagreeable old man"
disagreeable (Adjective) — Not agreeing with your tastes or expectations.
ex. "found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it"