Similar Words
ccontrasting, comtrastimg, conntrastinng, contraasting, contrassting, contrastiing, contrastin, contrastingg, contrastnig, contratsing, contrazting, contrrasting, conttrastting, coontrasting, kontrasting, ontrasting
Contrasting — synonyms, definition
1. contrasting (o)
3 synonyms
conversely on the contrary oppositely
2. contrasting (a)
22 synonyms
abreast against antagonistic antithetic by comparison with clashing conflicting confronting contrary counter diametrical different disagreeing extreme facing fronting in contrast to opposing opposite polar • • •
3. contrasting (Noun)
4 synonyms
comparison corresponding likening testing
4. contrasting (Adjective)
1 synonym
1 definition
contrasting (Adjective) — Strikingly different; tending to contrast.
ex. "contrasting colours"
5. contrasting (Verb)
1 synonym
2 definitions
contrasting (Verb) — Put in opposition to show or emphasize differences.
ex. "The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student"
contrasting (Verb) — To show differences when compared; be different.
ex. "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities"
10 types of
differentiating differing distinguishing secernating secerning separating severalising severalizing telling telling apart
4 types
conflicting counterbalancing foiling opposing