Similar Words
cclashing, claashing, clashhing, clashiing, clashimg, clashin, clashingg, clashinng, clashnig, classhing, clazhing, cllashing, klashing, lashing
Clashing — synonyms, definition
1. clashing (a)
17 synonyms
antagonistic antipathetic conflicting confronting contrary contrasting differing disagreeing discordant facing incongruous inconsistent jarring mismatched opposing resisting unsuitable
2. clashing (Noun)
6 synonyms
impediment interference intervention obstructing obstruction resistance
3. clashing (Adjective)
1 definition
clashing (Adjective) — Sharply and harshly discordant.
ex. "clashing interests of loggers and conservationists" ex. "clashing colours"
4. clashing (Verb)
1 synonym
3 definitions
clashing (Verb) — Crash together with violent impact.
ex. "Two meteors clashed"
clashing (Verb) — Be incompatible; be or come into conflict.
ex. "These colours clash"
clashing (Verb) — Disagree violently.
ex. "We clashed over the new farm policies"
11 types of
colliding with conflicting differing disagreeing dissenting hitting impacting impinging on running into striking taking issue
4 types
crashing ramming shocking smashing