Opener — synonyms, opener antonyms, definition

1. opener (Adjective)

17 synonyms
clearer less decided less defendable less defended less determined less fastened less resolved looser more assailable more candid more capable more exposed more heart-to-heart more opened more overt more receptive more subject
2 antonyms
more closed more shut
21 definition

opener (Adjective) — Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed. ex. "they left the door open" ex. "an open door"

opener (Adjective) — Affording free passage or access. ex. "open drains" ex. "the road is open to traffic" ex. "open ranks"

opener (Adjective) — With no protection or shield. ex. "open to the weather" ex. "an open wound"

opener (Adjective) — Available to or viewable by the public. ex. "an open protest" ex. "an open letter to the editor"

opener (Adjective) — Used of mouth or eyes. ex. "keep your eyes open"

opener (Adjective) — Not having been filled. ex. "the job is still open"

opener (Adjective) — Accessible to all. ex. "open season" ex. "an open economy"

opener (Adjective) — Not defended or capable of being defended. ex. "an open city" ex. "open to attack"

opener (Adjective) — (of textures) full of small openings or gaps. ex. "an open texture"

opener (Adjective) — Having no protecting cover or enclosure. ex. "an open boat" ex. "an open fire" ex. "open sports cars"

opener (Adjective) — (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints.

opener (Adjective) — Not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought. ex. "an open question"

opener (Adjective) — Not sealed or having been unsealed. ex. "the letter was already open"

opener (Adjective) — Without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition. ex. "the clarity and resonance of an open tone" ex. "her natural and open response"

opener (Adjective) — Ready or willing to receive favourably. ex. "open to the proposals"

opener (Adjective) — Observable; not secret or hidden. ex. "open ballots"

opener (Adjective) — Not requiring union membership. ex. "an open shop employs nonunion workers"

opener (Adjective) — Possibly accepting or permitting. ex. "open to interpretation" ex. "an issue open to question"

opener (Adjective) — Affording free passage or view. ex. "open waters" ex. "the open countryside"

opener (Adjective) — Openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness. ex. "an open and trusting nature"

opener (Adjective) — Ready for business. ex. "the stores are open"

2. opener (Noun)

3 synonyms
Untier undoer unfastener
3 definitions

opener (Noun) — The first event in a series. ex. "she played Chopin for her opener" ex. "the season's opener was a game against the Yankees"

opener (Noun) — A person who unfastens, unwraps or opens.

opener (Noun) — A hand tool used for opening sealed containers (bottles or cans).

8 types of
hand tool individual mortal person somebody someone soul start
4 types
bottle opener can opener latchstring tin opener