eavening, laevening, leaavening, leaveinng, leavemimg, leaveniing, leavenin, leaveningg, leavennig, leavenninng, leavvening, leeaveening, lleavening

Leavening — synonyms, definition

1. leavening (Noun)

5 synonyms
bacteria ferment fungus leaven mould
2 definitions

leavening (Noun) — An influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something. ex. "his sermons benefited from a leavening of humour"

leavening (Noun) — A substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid.

2 types of
imponderable substance
4 types
baking powder barm sourdough yeast

2. leavening (Verb)

2 synonyms
proving raising
1 definition

leavening (Verb) — Cause to puff up with a leaven.

5 types of
bringing up elevating getting up lifting raising