Similar Words
oluntary, volluntary, volnutary, volumtary, volunntary, voluntaary, voluntar, voluntarry, voluntaryy, volunttary, voluuntary, vooluntary, vvoluntary

Voluntary — synonyms, voluntary antonyms, definition

1. voluntary (a)

23 synonyms
advised charitable community complimentary conscious considered deliberate designed for a good cause free gratis gratuitous helping intended intentional missionary premeditated unasked unbidden unsought • • •

2. voluntary (Noun)

14 synonyms
charitable community for a good cause helping introduction military volunteer missionary overture preclusion preface prelude proem prologue volunteer
2 definitions

voluntary (Noun) — (military) a person who freely enlists for service.

voluntary (Noun) — Composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance.

6 types of
man military man military personnel serviceman servicewoman solo
1 type

3. voluntary (Adjective)

1 antonym
2 definitions

voluntary (Adjective) — Of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled. ex. "man is a voluntary agent" ex. "participation was voluntary" ex. "voluntary manslaughter" ex. "voluntary generosity in times of disaster" ex. "voluntary social workers" ex. "a voluntary confession"

voluntary (Adjective) — (physiology) controlled by individual volition. ex. "voluntary motions" ex. "voluntary muscles"