Similar Words
ermination, teermination, terimnation, termiinatiion, termimatiom, terminaation, terminatio, terminatioon, terminatoin, terminnationn, termmination, termniation, ternination, terrmination, tterminattion

Termination — synonyms, definition

1. termination (Noun)

37 synonyms
abatement abortion adjournment arrest boundary cessation check close closing completion conclusion culmination death dismissal end end point ending endpoint expiration expiry • • •
6 definitions

termination (Noun) — A coming to an end of a contract period. ex. "the termination of his driver's licence"

termination (Noun) — A place where something ends or is complete.

termination (Noun) — Something that happens or is produced as the final consequence or product.

termination (Noun) — The end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme). ex. "I don't like words that have -ism as a termination"

termination (Noun) — The act of ending something. ex. "the termination of the agreement"

termination (Noun) — A deliberate termination of pregnancy.

8 types of
abortion change of state conclusion end ending finish morpheme terminal
74 types
abolishment abolition abort aborticide abortion adjournment aftermath breakup chuck closedown closing closure completion consequence culmination deactivation deal decision defusing demonetisation • • •