Similar Words
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Tantalizing — synonyms, definition

1. tantalizing (a)

21 synonym
alluring appealing appetizing charming delectable delicious enchanting enticing fascinating inviting irresistible joshing kidding mouth-watering ribbing savoury tasty teasing tempting toothsome • • •

2. tantalizing (Adjective)

1 synonym
2 definitions

tantalizing (Adjective) — Arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach. ex. "a tantalizing taste of success"

tantalizing (Adjective) — Very pleasantly inviting. ex. "a tantalizing aroma"

3. tantalizing (Verb)

1 definition

tantalizing (Verb) — Excite or tease by presenting or offering something desirable, esp. when it is unobtainable. ex. "he also was tantalized by glimpses of the real world of espionage"