qiuckly, qquickly, quicckly, quiccly, quickkly, quickl, quicklly, quicklyy, quiclky, quiickly, quikkly, quikly, quuickly, uickly

Quickly — synonyms, quickly antonyms, definition

1. quickly (o)

5 synonyms
expeditiously fast rapidly speedily swiftly

2. quickly (a)

12 synonyms
abruptly dashing directly forthwith hastily immediately instantaneously instantly on the spur of the moment promptly soon suddenly

3. quickly (Adverb)

5 synonyms
apace chop-chop cursorily quick responsively
1 antonym
3 definitions

quickly (Adverb) — With rapid movements. ex. "he works quickly"

quickly (Adverb) — With little or no delay. ex. "the rescue squad arrived quickly"

quickly (Adverb) — Without taking pains. ex. "he looked quickly through the magazine"