Ottoman — synonyms, definition

1. ottoman (Adjective)

1 definition

ottoman (Adjective) — Of or relating to the Ottoman Empire or its people or its culture.

2. ottoman (Noun)

10 synonyms
Ottoman Turk Ottoman dynasty footrest footstool hassock osmanli pouf pouffe puff tuffet
5 definitions

ottoman (Noun) — The Turkish dynasty that ruled the Ottoman Empire from the 13th century to its dissolution after World War I.

ottoman (Noun) — A Turk (especially a Turk who is a member of the tribe of Osman I).

ottoman (Noun) — Thick cushion used as a seat.

ottoman (Noun) — A low seat or a stool to rest the feet of a seated person.

ottoman (Noun) — A fabric with a pronounced ribbed or corded effect, often made of silk or a mixture.

4 types of
dynasty seat stool turk