leading (Noun) — The activity of leading. ex. "his leading inspired the team"
leading (Noun) — Thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing.
leading (Adjective) — Indicating the most important performer or role. ex. "the leading man"
leading (Adjective) — Greatest in importance, degree, significance or achievement. ex. "the country's leading poet"
leading (Adjective) — Going, proceeding or going in advance; showing the way. ex. "we rode in the leading car" ex. "the leading edge of technology"
leading (Adjective) — Having the leading position or higher score in a contest. ex. "the leading team in the pennant race"
leading (Verb) — Accompany somebody somewhere to show them the way. ex. "we led him to our chief"
leading (Verb) — Have as a result or residue.
leading (Verb) — Tend to or result in. ex. "This remark led to further arguments among the guests"
leading (Verb) — Travel in front of; go in advance of others. ex. "The procession was led by John"
leading (Verb) — Cause to undertake a certain action. ex. "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
leading (Verb) — Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point. ex. "Service leads all the way to Cranbury"
leading (Verb) — Be in charge of. ex. "Who is leading this project?"
leading (Verb) — Be ahead of others; be the first. ex. "she led her class every year"
leading (Verb) — Have the effect of making happen, or become more likely. ex. "The use of computers in the classroom led to better writing"
leading (Verb) — (music) Have the leading position, as in the performance of a composition. ex. "lead an orchestra"
leading (Verb) — Provide access; extend (in the direction of something). ex. "This door leads to the basement"
leading (Verb) — Move ahead (of others) in time or space.
leading (Verb) — Cause something to lie along a particular path. ex. "lead the wire behind the cabinet"
leading (Verb) — Preside over. ex. "John led the discussion"