Similar Words
appening, haappening, hapening, happeening, happeinng, happemimg, happeniing, happenin, happeningg, happennig, happenninng, happppening, hhappening
Happening — synonyms, definition
1. happening (a)
4 synonyms
afoot cooking forthcoming in progress
2. happening (Noun)
36 synonyms
accident affair appearance aspect bad luck case circumstance collision contingency crash entertainment episode event eventuality experience fact fortune function gathering incident • • •
1 definition
happening (Noun) — An event that happens.
1 type of
81 type
accident accompaniment alteration appearance attendant avalanche beginning black eye blow bonanza boom break bunce burst case chance event change co-occurrence collapse computer error • • •
3. happening (Adjective)
2 synonyms
fashionable stylish
1 definition
happening (Adjective) — Being or in accordance with current social fashions.
ex. "happening clothing"
4. happening (Verb)
16 synonyms
bechancing befalling bumping chancing coming about encountering falling out finding going on happing materialising materializing occurring passing passing off taking place
5 definitions
happening (Verb) — (of an event) come to pass (in time, so that it is real and actual at some time).
ex. "What is happening?"
happening (Verb) — Occur or be the case in the course of events or by chance.
ex. "It happens that today is my birthday"
happening (Verb) — Chance to be or do something, without intention or causation.
ex. "I happen to have just what you need!"
happening (Verb) — Come into being; become reality.
ex. "Her dream really happened"
happening (Verb) — Come upon, as if by accident; meet with.
ex. "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"
16 types of
bechancing befalling bumping chancing coming about encountering falling out finding going on happing materialising materializing occurring passing passing off taking place
41 type
anticipating appearing arising backfiring backlashing bechancing befalling betiding breaking coinciding coming coming around coming off coming out coming up concurring contemporising contemporizing developing falling • • •