ggraveyard, graaveyaard, graveeyard, graveyar, graveyardd, graveyyard, gravveyard, grraveyarrd, raveyard

Graveyard — synonyms, definition

1. graveyard (Noun)

10 synonyms
boneyard burial ground burial site burying ground catacomb cemetery mausoleum memorial park necropolis tomb
2 definitions

graveyard (Noun) — A tract of land used for burials.

graveyard (Noun) — A final resting place for something that is obsolete, broken or no longer useable. ex. "Afghanistan has been known over the years as the graveyard of empires" ex. "Off the shore of Staten Island rests a veritable graveyard of decommissioned, scrapped, and abandoned ships"

2 types of
land site site
1 type
potter's field