Similar Words
ate, gaate, gat, gatee, gatte, ggate
Gate — synonyms, definition
1. gate (a)
4 synonyms
andiron grate grating lattice
2. gate (Noun)
19 synonyms
access approach barrier dam dike door doorway entrance entry foyer hall inlet lobby logic gate opening passage portal threshold wall
4 definitions
gate (Noun) — A movable barrier in a fence or wall.
gate (Noun) — A computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs.
gate (Noun) — Total admission receipts at a sports event.
gate (Noun) — Passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark.
6 types of
computer circuit gross movable barrier passageway receipts revenue
29 types
AND circuit AND gate Dipylon Dipylon gate NAND circuit NAND gate OR circuit OR gate X-OR circuit XOR circuit XOR gate arrival gate departure gate head gate lichgate lock-gate lychgate portcullis postern tail gate • • •
3 parts
flexible joint hinge lock
2 parts of
air terminal airport terminal
3. gate (Verb)
3 definitions
gate (Verb) — (architecture) supply with a gate.
ex. "The house was gated"
gate (Verb) — Control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate.
gate (Verb) — Restrict (school boys') movement to the dormitory or campus as a means of punishment.
13 types of
bound confine control furnish limit operate provide render restrain restrict supply throttle trammel