Feathering — synonyms, definition

1. feathering (Noun)

1 synonym
1 definition

feathering (Noun) — Turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls.

2 types of
rotary motion rotation
2 parts of
row rowing

2. feathering (Verb)

2 synonyms
fledging squaring
5 definitions

feathering (Verb) — Join tongue and groove, in carpentry.

feathering (Verb) — Cover or fit with feathers.

feathering (Verb) — Turn the paddle; in canoeing.

feathering (Verb) — Turn the oar, while rowing.

feathering (Verb) — Grow feathers. ex. "The young sparrows are feathering already"

10 types of
acquiring conjoining covering developing getting growing joining paddling producing rowing