Similar Words
avourable, faavouraable, favoourable, favourabble, favourabl, favourablee, favourablle, favourrable, favouurable, favuorable, favvourable, ffavourable, phavourable

Favourable — synonyms, definition

1. favourable (a) Brit, Cdn

72 synonyms
acceptable advantageous affable agreeable alluring amenable appreciative appropriate approving apt assenting auspicious beneficent beneficial benevolent benign bright calming commendatory compassionate • • •

2. favourable (Adjective) Brit, Cdn

1 synonym
5 definitions

favourable (Adjective) — Encouraging, approving or pleasing. ex. "a favourable reply" ex. "he received a favourable rating" ex. "listened with a favourable ear" ex. "made a favourable impression"

favourable (Adjective) — (of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate. ex. "the days were fair and the winds were favourable"

favourable (Adjective) — Presaging or likely to bring good luck. ex. "a favourable time to ask for a raise"

favourable (Adjective) — Inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile. ex. "a government favourable to our interests"

favourable (Adjective) — Occurring at a convenient or suitable time.