Similar Words
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Evil — synonyms, evil antonyms, definition
1. evil (a)
82 synonyms
amoral awful bad baleful baneful base beguiling black brutal cancerous corrupt corrupted corrupting crooked dark deadly depraved destructive detrimental devilish • • •
2. evil (Noun)
50 synonyms
abomination abuse affliction annoyance badness bane baseness calamity cancer chance corruption crime curse danger depravity disaster dissipation dissolution evilness exposure • • •
1 antonym
3 definitions
evil (Noun) — Morally objectionable behaviour.
evil (Noun) — That which causes harm, destruction or misfortune.
ex. "the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones"
evil (Noun) — The quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice.
ex. "attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world"
5 types of
bad badness evildoing immorality transgression
30 types
Four Horsemen balefulness devilry deviltry error foul play frailty irreverence maleficence malevolence malevolency malice malignance malignancy malignity mischief nefariousness perverseness perversity reprehensibility • • •
3. evil (Adjective)
2 synonyms
malefic vicious
1 antonym
3 definitions
evil (Adjective) — Morally bad or wrong.
ex. "evil purposes" ex. "an evil influence" ex. "evil deeds"
evil (Adjective) — Having the nature of vice.
evil (Adjective) — Having or exerting a malignant influence.
1 see also