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Eased — synonyms, definition

1. eased (Adjective)

2 synonyms
alleviated relieved
1 definition

eased (Adjective) — (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear.

2. eased (Verb)

4 synonyms
allayed comforted facilitated stilled
4 definitions

eased (Verb) — Move gently or carefully. ex. "He eased himself into the chair"

eased (Verb) — Lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate. ex. "ease the pain in your legs"

eased (Verb) — Make easier. ex. "you could ease the process by sharing your knowledge"

eased (Verb) — Lessen the intensity of or calm. ex. "The news eased my conscience"

15 types of
aided alleviated assisted assuaged comforted consoled helped locomoted moved palliated relieved solaced soothed traveled went
1 type
1 see also
ease up