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Distant — synonyms, distant antonyms, definition

1. distant (o)

23 synonyms
abroad afar aloof apart asunder at a distance at arm's length away backwoods below the horizon beyond disconnected dismantled divided far off hence off out over removed • • •

2. distant (a)

92 synonyms
abroad absent afar ahead alien aloof antagonistic apart apathetic arrogant at a distance backwoods bashful behind below the horizon beyond callous careless chill cold • • •

3. distant (Adjective)

1 synonym
1 antonym
5 definitions

distant (Adjective) — Separated in space or coming from or going to a distance. ex. "distant villages" ex. "the sound of distant traffic" ex. "a distant sound" ex. "a distant telephone call"

distant (Adjective) — Far apart in relevance, relationship or kinship. ex. "a distant cousin"

distant (Adjective) — Remote in manner. ex. "a distant smile"

distant (Adjective) — Separate or apart in time. ex. "distant events"

distant (Adjective) — Located far away spatially. ex. "distant lands"

1 see also