Clothed — synonyms, clothed antonyms, definition

1. clothed (Adjective)

5 synonyms
clad cloaked draped mantled wrapped
1 antonym
2 definitions

clothed (Adjective) — Wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination. ex. "clothed and in his right mind" ex. "proud of her well-clothed family"

clothed (Adjective) — Covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak. ex. "leaf-clothed trees"

2. clothed (Verb)

12 synonyms
adorned appareled dressed enclothed fitted out garbed garmented habilitated invested raimented robed togged
3 definitions

clothed (Verb) — Provide with clothes or put clothes on. ex. "Parents must feed and clothe their child"

clothed (Verb) — Furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors.

clothed (Verb) — Cover as if with clothing. ex. "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"

8 types of
changed state covered equipped fitted fitted out outfitted spread over turned
21 type
coated corseted costumed covered dressed up frocked gowned habited jacketed overclothed overdressed primmed primmed out primmed up robed shirted shod underdressed vested vestured • • •