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Voiceless — synonyms, definition

1. voiceless (a)

6 synonyms
close-mouthed reserved silent tacit taciturn unsaid

2. voiceless (Adjective)

8 synonyms
aphonic breathed disenfranchised disfranchised hard surd unvoiced voteless
4 definitions

voiceless (Adjective) — Produced without vibration of the vocal cords. ex. "voiceless consonants such as 'p' and 'k' and 's'"

voiceless (Adjective) — Deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote. ex. "labour was voiceless"

voiceless (Adjective) — Uttered without voice. ex. "voiceless whispers"

voiceless (Adjective) — Being without sound through injury or illness and thus incapable of all but whispered speech.