Tons — synonyms, definition

1. tons (Noun)

26 synonyms
bucketloads buckets buttloads dozens gobs gross ton* heaps lashings loads long ton* lots many masses net ton* oodles piles rafts scads scores shedloads • • •
5 definitions

tons (Noun) — A large number or amount. ex. "made tons of new friends"

tons (Noun) — A United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds.

tons (Noun) — A British unit of weight equivalent to 2240 pounds.

tons (Noun) — (informal) a large number or quantity.

tons (Noun) — (informal) one hundred; a speed of 100 mph, 100 pounds, score of 100, etc..

3 types of
avoirdupois unit* large indefinite amount large indefinite quantity
7 parts
cental centner cwt hundredweight long hundredweight quintal short hundredweight
1 part of