Similar Words
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Thoughtful — synonyms, thoughtful antonyms, definition

1. thoughtful (a)

73 synonyms
accepting adult attentive circumspect cogitative common concerned conscious considerate contemplative deep deferential deliberate democratic devoted dignified earnest engrossed experienced fast • • •

2. thoughtful (Adjective)

2 synonyms
paying attention serious-minded
1 antonym
5 definitions

thoughtful (Adjective) — Having intellectual depth. ex. "a deeply thoughtful essay"

thoughtful (Adjective) — Exhibiting or characterized by careful thought. ex. "a thoughtful paper"

thoughtful (Adjective) — Acting with or showing thought and good sense.

thoughtful (Adjective) — Taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention.

thoughtful (Adjective) — Considerate of the feelings or well-being of others.

5 see also
attentiveness heed paying attention regard thoughtfulness