Tapdance — synonyms, definition

1. tapdance (Noun)

1 synonym
tap dancing
1 definition

tapdance (Noun) — A dance step tapped out audibly with the feet.

2 types of
hoofing step dancing
7 types
buck-and-wing clog clog dance clog dancing soft-shoe soft-shoe dancing soft-shoe shuffle

2. tapdance (Verb)

1 synonym
2 definitions

tapdance (Verb) — Dance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes. ex. "Glover tapdances better than anybody"

tapdance (Verb) — (dance) perform a tap dance.

3 types of
dance trip the light fantastic trip the light fantastic toe
4 topics
Terpsichore dance dancing saltation