Steeper — synonyms, steeper antonyms, definition

1. steeper (Adjective)

7 synonyms
less conscionable more exhorbitant more exorbitant more extortionate more eye-watering more outrageous more usurious
1 antonym
more gradual
3 definitions

steeper (Adjective) — Having a sharp inclination. ex. "the steep attic stairs" ex. "steep cliffs"

steeper (Adjective) — Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation. ex. "steep rent"

steeper (Adjective) — Of a slope; set at a high angle. ex. "note the steep incline" ex. "a steep roof sheds snow"

2. steeper (Noun)

1 definition

steeper (Noun) — A vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping.

1 type of