Sparer — synonyms, definition

1. sparer (Adjective)

15 synonyms
barer freer less embellished less ornamented more excess more extra more hot under the collar more redundant more supererogatory more superfluous more supernumerary more surplus plainer scantier trimmer
7 definitions

sparer (Adjective) — Thin and fit. ex. "the spare figure of a marathon runner"

sparer (Adjective) — More than is needed, desired, or required. ex. "sleeping in the spare room"

sparer (Adjective) — Not taken up by scheduled activities. ex. "spare time on my hands"

sparer (Adjective) — Kept in reserve especially for emergency use. ex. "a spare tire" ex. "spare parts"

sparer (Adjective) — Lacking in amplitude or quantity. ex. "a spare diet"

sparer (Adjective) — Lacking embellishment or ornamentation.

sparer (Adjective) — Very angry.

2. sparer (Noun)

1 definition

sparer (Noun) — Someone who refrains from injuring or destroying.

2 types of
benefactor helper