Snowbird — synonyms, definition

1. snowbird (Noun)

6 synonyms
Plectrophenax nivalis Turdus pilaris fieldfare junco snow bunting snowflake
4 definitions

snowbird (Noun) — Medium-sized Eurasian thrush seen chiefly in winter.

snowbird (Noun) — White Arctic bunting.

snowbird (Noun) — Small North American finch seen chiefly in winter.

snowbird (Noun) — Someone from a northern US state or Canada who spends winter in a warm southern US state.

3 types of
bunting finch thrush
3 types
Junco hyemalis dark-eyed junco slate-colored junco
5 parts of
Plectrophenax Turdus genus Junco genus Plectrophenax genus Turdus