Slops — synonyms, definition

1. slops (Noun) archaic, Brit

8 synonyms
glops mires mushes pigswill pigwash slop swill treacles
6 definitions

slops (Noun) — Wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water, skimmed or sour milk.

slops (Noun) — Cheap clothing (as formerly issued to sailors in Britain).

slops (Noun) — Deep soft mud in water or slush. ex. "they waded through the slop"

slops (Noun) — (usually plural) waste water from a kitchen, bathroom or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand. ex. "she carried out the sink slops"

slops (Noun) — (usually plural) weak or watery unappetizing food or drink. ex. "he lived on the thin slops that food kitchens provided"

slops (Noun) — Writing or music that is excessively sweet and sentimental.

21 type of
article of clothing clays clothing feed feedstuff foods grubs habiliment kais khanas muds provender sentimentalisms solid food* vesture waste material* waste matter* waste product* wastes wear • • •

2. slops (Verb) archaic, Brit

8 synonyms
sloshes spills splashes splatters sploshes squelches squishes swills
4 definitions

slops (Verb) — Cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container. ex. "slop the milk"

slops (Verb) — Walk through mud or mire. ex. "We had to slop across the wet meadow"

slops (Verb) — Ladle clumsily. ex. "slop the food onto the plate"

slops (Verb) — Feed pigs.

14 types of
displaces feeds footslogs gives ladens lades ladles moves pads plods slogs tramps tromps trudges