Similar Words
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Simplicity — synonyms, simplicity antonyms, definition

1. simplicity (Noun)

30 synonyms
artlessness austerity bareness candour chasteness chastity clarity clearness distinctness ease easiness explicitness guiltlessness ingenuousness innocence lucidity monotony morality naiveté naïveté • • •
1 antonym
5 definitions

simplicity (Noun) — The quality of being simple or uncompounded. ex. "the simplicity of a crystal"

simplicity (Noun) — A lack of penetration or subtlety. ex. "they took advantage of her simplicity"

simplicity (Noun) — Absence of affectation or pretence.

simplicity (Noun) — Freedom from difficulty, hardship or effort. ex. "he rose through the ranks with apparent simplicity"

simplicity (Noun) — Lack of ornamentation. ex. "the room was simply decorated with great simplicity"

6 types of
naiveness naivete naivety naturalness plainness quality
1 type
1 see also