Ranker — synonyms, definition

1. ranker (Adjective) Brit

11 synonyms
grosser more absolute more crying more down-the-line more downright more egregious more flagrant more glaring more out-and-out more right-down sheerer
5 definitions

ranker (Adjective) — Very fertile; producing profuse growth. ex. "rank earth"

ranker (Adjective) — Very offensive in smell or taste. ex. "a rank cigar"

ranker (Adjective) — Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible. ex. "rank treachery"

ranker (Adjective) — Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as an intensifier. ex. "a rank outsider"

ranker (Adjective) — Growing profusely. ex. "rank jungle vegetation"

2. ranker (Noun) Brit

2 definitions

ranker (Noun) — A commissioned officer who has been promoted from enlisted status.

ranker (Noun) — An enlisted soldier who serves in the ranks of the armed forces.

3 types of
commissioned officer pongo soldier