Similar Words
pprotagonist, prootagoonist, protaagonist, protaggonist, protagoinst, protagomist, protagoniist, protagonis, protagonisst, protagonits, protagonizt, protagonnist, prottagonistt, prrotagonist, rotagonist

Protagonist — synonyms, definition

1. protagonist (Noun)

8 synonyms
admirer agonist booster champion friend hero principal supporter
2 definitions

protagonist (Noun) — A person who backs a politician or a team etc.. ex. "all their protagonists came out for the game"

protagonist (Noun) — The principal character in a work of fiction.

7 types of
Exponent advocate advocator character fictional character fictitious character proponent
43 types
Boswell Francophil Francophile Graecophile Jacobite New Dealer Shavian anglophil anglophile antihero believer cheerleader confederate corporatist endorser enthusiast free trader functionalist indorser loyalist • • •