Professing — synonyms, definition

1. professing (Noun)

1 synonym
1 definition

professing (Noun) — An open avowal (true or false) of some belief or opinion. ex. "a professing of disagreement"

3 types of
affirmation avouchment avowal

2. professing (Verb)

3 synonyms
conceding confessing pretending
7 definitions

professing (Verb) — Practice as a profession, teach, or claim to be knowledgeable about. ex. "She professes organic chemistry"

professing (Verb) — Confess one's faith in, or allegiance to. ex. "The terrorists professed allegiance to their country" ex. "he professes to be a Communist"

professing (Verb) — Admit (to a wrongdoing). ex. "She professed that she had taken the money"

professing (Verb) — State freely. ex. "The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades"

professing (Verb) — Receive into a religious order or congregation.

professing (Verb) — Take vows, as in religious order. ex. "she professed herself as a nun"

professing (Verb) — State insincerely. ex. "He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt"

9 types of
accepting acknowledging admitting claiming declaring pronouncing taking taking on vowing
9 types
coming clean copping copping to fessing fessing up making a clean breast of owning owning up taking the veil