Premises — synonyms, definition

1. premises (Noun)

2 synonyms
assumptions premisses
2 definitions

premises (Noun) — Land and the buildings on it. ex. "bread is baked on the premises" ex. "they were evicted from the premises"

premises (Noun) — A statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn. ex. "on the premise that he has been injured we can infer that he will not be able to play"

4 types of
land site posits postulates site
10 types
conditions major premise* major premiss* minor premise* minor premiss* preconditions scenarios stipulations subsumptions theses

2. premises (Verb)

3 synonyms
introduces precedes prefaces
3 definitions

premises (Verb) — Set forth beforehand, often as an explanation. ex. "He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand"

premises (Verb) — Furnish with a preface or introduction.

premises (Verb) — Take something as preexisting and given.

8 types of
exposits expounds presupposes says sets forth states supposes tells
5 types
preambles prologises prologizes prologuises prologuizes