Similar Words

Plumping — synonyms, definition

1. plumping (Adjective)

1 definition

plumping (Adjective) — Very large; of exceptional size for its kind. ex. "won by a plumping majority"

2. plumping (Verb)

17 synonyms
fattening fattening out fattening up fatting filling out fleshing out flumping going planking plonking plopping plummeting plumping down plumping out plunking plunking down slapping
4 definitions

plumping (Verb) — Drop sharply. ex. "The stock market plumped"

plumping (Verb) — Set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise. ex. "He plumped down the money on the table"

plumping (Verb) — Make fat or plump. ex. "We will plump out that poor starving child"

plumping (Verb) — Give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number. ex. "I plumped for the losing candidates"

11 types of
altering changing choosing dropping modifying picking out placing down putting down selecting setting down taking