Similar Words
oostensibly, osstenssibly, osteensibly, ostemsibly, ostennsibly, ostensibbly, ostensibl, ostensiblly, ostensiblyy, ostensiibly, osttensibly, otsensibly, oztenzibly, stensibly

Ostensibly — synonyms, definition

1. ostensibly (o)

9 synonyms
apparently evidently falsely officially outwardly professedly slyly superficially supposedly

2. ostensibly (a)

7 synonyms
evidently obviously outwardly overtly presumably professedly seemingly

3. ostensibly (Adverb)

1 synonym
on the face of it
1 definition

ostensibly (Adverb) — From appearances alone. ex. "had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it"