Oddments — synonyms, definition

1. oddments (Noun)

21 synonym
bits and bobs bits and pieces curios curiosities ends farrago gallimaufry hodgepodge hotchpotch melange mingle-mangle mishmash oddities odds and ends odds and sods omnium-gatherum peculiarities ragbag rarities remainders • • •
3 definitions

oddments (Noun) — A motley assortment of things.

oddments (Noun) — A piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold.

oddments (Noun) — Something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting.

15 types of
articles assortment miscellanea miscellany mixed bag mixture motley objects physical object* pieces of cloth pieces of material potpourri salmagundi smorgasbord variety
11 types
bric-a-bracs collectables collectibles collector's item* fag end* knickknackeries knickknacks nicknacks pieces de resistance showpieces whatnots