Nutcracker — synonyms, definition

1. nutcracker (Noun)

1 synonym
3 definitions

nutcracker (Noun) — A compound lever used to crack nuts open.

nutcracker (Noun) — Any of various small short-tailed songbirds with strong feet and a sharp beak that feed on small nuts and insects.

nutcracker (Noun) — Speckled birds that feed on nuts.

4 types of
compound lever corvine bird oscine oscine bird
10 types
Clark's nutcracker European nuthatch Nucifraga caryocatactes Nucifraga columbiana Sitta canadensis Sitta carolinensis Sitta europaea common nutcracker red-breasted nuthatch white-breasted nuthatch
4 parts of
Sittidae family Sittidae genus Nucifraga nucifraga