Listed — synonyms, listed antonyms, definition

1. listed (Adjective)

1 antonym
2 definitions

listed (Adjective) — On a list.

listed (Adjective) — (of a building) protected from demolition or significant alteration because of historical importance.

2. listed (Verb)

4 synonyms
heeled leant named numbered
5 definitions

listed (Verb) — Give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of. ex. "List the states west of the Mississippi"

listed (Verb) — Include in a list. ex. "Am I listed in your register?"

listed (Verb) — Cause to lean to the side. ex. "Erosion listed the old tree"

listed (Verb) — Tilt to one side. ex. "The ship listed to starboard"

listed (Verb) — Enumerate. ex. "We must list the names of the great mathematicians"

13 types of
angled enumerated identified itemised itemized leant moved named recited registered slanted tilted tipped
10 types
blacklisted empaneled impaneled indexed inventoried itemised itemized posted stock-taked took stock