Similar Words
eft-handed, leeft-handeed, lefft-handed, left-haanded, left-hamded, left-handdedd, left-hande, left-hannded, left-hhanded, leftt-handed, lepht-handed, lleft-handed

Left-handed — synonyms, left-handed antonyms, definition

1. left-handed (a)

8 synonyms
awkward bumbling coarse gauche gawky graceless inept maladroit

2. left-handed (Adjective)

11 synonyms
bungling butterfingered ham-fisted ham-handed handless heavy-handed laevorotatary laevorotatory levorotary levorotatory morganatic
2 antonyms
ambidextrous right-handed
6 definitions

left-handed (Adjective) — Using or intended for the left hand. ex. "left-handed scissors" ex. "left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs"

left-handed (Adjective) — (of marriages) illicit or informal. ex. "in Colonial America left-handed marriages between Frenchmen and Indians were frequent"

left-handed (Adjective) — (of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior.

left-handed (Adjective) — Rotating to the left.

left-handed (Adjective) — Ironically ambiguous. ex. "a left-handed compliment"

left-handed (Adjective) — Lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands. ex. "a left-handed mechanic"