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Keyed — synonyms, keyed antonyms, definition

1. keyed (Adjective)

1 antonym
2 definitions

keyed (Adjective) — Fitted with or secured by a key. ex. "a keyed instrument" ex. "the locks have not yet been keyed"

keyed (Adjective) — Set to a key or tone.

2. keyed (Verb)

6 synonyms
described discovered distinguished identified keyed out named
5 definitions

keyed (Verb) — Classify or apply the appropriate name to, e.g. in botany or biology.

keyed (Verb) — Provide with a key. ex. "We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building"

keyed (Verb) — Vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key. ex. "His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot"

keyed (Verb) — (music) regulate the musical pitch of.

keyed (Verb) — Harmonize with or adjust to. ex. "key one's actions to the voters' prevailing attitude"

10 types of
chorded furnished harmonised harmonized provided reconciled rendered supplied vandalised vandalized