Similar Words
iincurable, imcurable, inccurable, incuraable, incurabble, incurabl, incurablee, incurablle, incurrable, incuurable, inkurable, inncurable, ncurable, nicurable

Incurable — synonyms, incurable antonyms, definition

1. incurable (a)

9 synonyms
beyond repair broken destroyed hopeless impossible incorrigible irremediable irreparable unrecoverable

2. incurable (Adjective)

1 antonym
2 definitions

incurable (Adjective) — Incapable of being cured. ex. "an incurable disease" ex. "an incurable addiction to smoking"

incurable (Adjective) — Unalterable in disposition or habits. ex. "an incurable optimist"

3. incurable (Noun)

1 definition

incurable (Noun) — A person whose disease is incurable.

3 types of
diseased person sick person sufferer