Similar Words
iimpliiciit, immplicit, impliccit, implici, implicitt, implikit, impllicit, impplicit, inplicit, miplicit, mplicit

Implicit — synonyms, implicit antonyms, definition

1. implicit (a)

16 synonyms
effective essential hidden implied in effect inferred insinuated latent plain practical pragmatic substantial suggested understood unspoken virtual

2. implicit (Adjective)

2 synonyms
inexplicit unquestioning
1 antonym
2 definitions

implicit (Adjective) — Implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something. ex. "there was implicit criticism in his voice" ex. "anger was implicit in the argument" ex. "the oak is implicit in the acorn" ex. "an implicit agreement not to raise the subject"

implicit (Adjective) — Being without doubt or reserve. ex. "implicit trust"

1 see also