Similar Words
iimmediiately, imediately, immedaitely, immeddiately, immediaately, immediatel, immediatelly, immediatelyy, immediattely, immeediateely, immmmediately, innediately, mimediately, mmediately

Immediately — synonyms, definition

1. immediately (o)

15 synonyms
abruptly at once closely contiguously directly forthwith instantaneously instantly now presently promptly right right away straight away without delay

2. immediately (a)

14 synonyms
anon before long directly forthwith in a minute instantaneously instantly not at the moment on the spur of the moment promptly pronto quickly shortly suddenly

3. immediately (Adverb)

6 synonyms
in a flash like a shot outright straight off straightaway tout de suite
3 definitions

immediately (Adverb) — Without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening. ex. "he answered immediately"

immediately (Adverb) — Near or close by. ex. "he passed immediately behind her"

immediately (Adverb) — Bearing an immediate relation. ex. "this immediately concerns your future"