Guaiacum — synonyms, definition

1. guaiacum (Noun)

3 synonyms
genus Guaiacum guaiac lignum vitae
3 definitions

guaiacum (Noun) — Small genus of evergreen resinous trees or shrubs of warm and tropical America.

guaiacum (Noun) — Medicinal resin from the lignum vitae tree.

guaiacum (Noun) — Hard greenish-brown wood of the lignum vitae tree and other trees of the genus Guaiacum.

3 types of
natural resin rosid dicot genus wood
4 parts
Guaiacum officinale Guaiacum sanctum bastard lignum vitae lignum vitae
5 parts of
Guaiacum officinale Zygophyllaceae bean-caper family family Zygophyllaceae lignum vitae